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Eli Nash's Plea: Turn Shame Upside Down and Use it to Help Others

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

Citizens for Decency draws from various avenues to help empower others to stand against pornography, such as this 2019 TEDxFortWayne event video about Eli Nash. The video’s introduction to Mr. Nash states: “Sharing our hardships moves us through shame and into healing. Eli Nash is the CEO of JEG & Sons Inc. and the Co-Founder of MicDrop . . . Under his guidance, JEG grew from a startup to over $200M in revenue, servicing retail giants such as Walmart, Amazon, Best Buy, Target and many others . . . As Eli held the details of his own abuse secret for many years, he is now passionate about empowering others to speak up and to use their voice to be an agent of change in their communities.”

We hope that Mr. Nash’s plea to step away from pornography will help others to do the same. Pornography addiction can be broken, healing can take place, and hope can be restored.



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